
Arial shot of brownish green water with eight white birds flying over it as well.
As grad student, Northeastern co-op helps Bay Area startup develop device to prevent toxic algae blooms
Who’s afraid of iambic pentameter? Not the Northeastern Shakespeare Society
Six undergraduate scientists travel to a national meeting in San Antonio to present their research

Making sense out of life

The Northeastern biochemistry program explores how cell structure, chemical bonds and energy transformations impact our understanding of the mechanisms of life and provide a strong foundation for a host of impactful careers in the life sciences.

A person has many trillions of cells in their body and at any given time, there are thousands of biochemical reactions taking place within those cells, even when the body is asleep. There are so many important jobs to be done – you are truly never at rest!


Your heart rate speeds up after you hear a loud noise. Your eyes are able to see what’s around you. Your blood sugar level lets you know whether you should break down that fuel and use it now, or whether you should store it in your muscles for later. How do these signals have meaning inside of us? Biochemists study these reactions and many more.

Understanding biochemical processes is a crucial step in problem-solving some of the world’s greatest challenges – disease, hunger, pollution. The success of vaccines to mitigate illnesses like smallpox, influenza, and coronavirus are examples that show how important it is to have a deep understanding of how diseases work and how they can be targeted.

Diversity & Inclusion

The College of Science supports a culture where each person feels they belong, regardless of race, color, religion, religious creed, genetic information, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran or disability status. We celebrate the diversity of our community, and we seek to expand representation to further excellence. We commit to be a College where members act with respect, trust, collaboration, and communication, and where inappropriate behavior is reported and acted on without fear of retaliation.

Campus Flag in Fall


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Faculty Labs & Research

Cram Lab
The Cram Laboratory utilizes the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans as an in vivo system to examine how mechanical forces are sensed and interpreted by cells and how this influences cell migration. In  addition, they collaborate with Chemical Engineers to improve production of drug compound..
Ebong Lab
The Ebong Lab studies the means by which endothelial cell mechanotransduction occurs in order to prevent or promote atherosclerosis
Godoy Lab
The Godoy lab seeks to learn about the mechanism(s) regulating the activity of potentially mutagenic DNA polymerases.
Shefelbine Lab
The Shefelbine Lab studies multiscale mechanics and musculoskeletal mechanobiology.
Slavov Laboratory
The Slavov Lab studies Ribosome-mediated translational regulation, and single-cell proteomics by mass-spectrometry
Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics Group
This reearch group is interested in understanding collective and emergent behavior in out-of-equilibrium and disordered systems. The research employs methods in theoretical and computation condensed matter physics and applies to a wide range of biological and non-biological systems.
Biomedical Optics Research Group
This group studies biomedical optics and non-invasive imaging, rare cell detection and tracking in the body, ultrafast time-domain diffuse optical imaging, image reconstruction and biomedical signal processing.
Respiratory Innovation and Simulation Team
This lab combines state-of-the-art experimental and numerical methods to quantify the health impacts of inhaled toxins (e.g. e-cigs) or to optimize inhaled therapeutics.
Ondrechen Research Group
Prof. Ondrechen’s research group spans the areas of theoretical and computational chemistry, computational biology, bioinformatics, protein design, and drug discovery. Areas of interest include functional genomics – predicting the biochemical functional roles of gene products (proteins), protei..
Sage Lab
Professor Sage’s research is motivated by a fascination with the physical basis for the function of proteins. He develops and applies novel spectroscopic approaches to understand the structure, dynamics, and function of biological macromolecules.
Spring Lab
Professor Spring’s group bridges biophysics, biomedical optics and cancer biology to selectively target micrometastases left behind by standard therapies that limit our ability to cure many cancers.
Neurogeometry Lab
Research in this lab is aimed at understanding the basic brain functions and principles of synaptic connectivity in the cerebral cortex through the quantitative analysis of neuron morphology.
Venkatachalam Lab
Studies of the neurophysiology of C. elegans from its birth to adulthood, which reveals the detailed relationship between the developing nervous system and the animal behavior. Advanced neurotechnology and microscopy techniques are used to measure large populations of neurons in freely behaving a..
Whitford Research Group
Professor Whitford’s research probes the energetic properties of biomolecular dynamics through a combination of theoretical modeling and high-performance computing (HPC). His investigations of biomolecular order-disorder transitions and energy transduction processes span from protein and ribo..
Cell & tissue Engineering Lab (CEL)
The Asthagiri lab investigates how cancer cells acquire the ability to invade their surroundings, a key early step in the lethal progression to metastasis. They seek to identify robust therapeutic strategies to target cancer cells whose heterogeneity and plasticity make them a "moving target."
Auguste Lab
The Auguste lab engineers solutions to address current challenges in medicine. They design, synthesize, and evaluate new biomaterials that change the way we deliver drugs and cells.
Molecular Bioelectrostatics & Drug Delivery Laboratory
The Bajpayee lab works on drug delivery to connective and charged tissues such as cartilage, meniscus, intervertebral disc and mucosal membranes.
Laboratory for Advanced and Multifunctional Polymeric Biomaterials
The overall focus of the research in the Bencherif LAMP Biomaterials Laboratory is the fundamental understanding and development of polymeric materials for biomedical applications with a specific emphasis on tissue engineering, drug delivery, and cancer immunotherapy.
Advanced Drug Delivery Research Lab
The ADDRES Lab studies interactions between materials and biological systems, with a current focus on the intestinal environment, via development of theoretical and tissue-engineered cell culture models. 
Goluch Group
The primary focus of this research is the development of detection strategies that are tailored for the micro and nanoscale, with emphasis on biological systems.
Laboratory for Neuromodulation and Neuromuscular Repair
This research focuses on the intersectionality between biomaterials, electronics, nerves, and the heart.
Lee-Parsons Laboratory
This research group is applying metabolic engineering principles and methodologies to improve the production of important compounds, i.e. critical plant-derived pharmaceuticals or biofuels, from plant cell & tissue cultures and microalgae cultures.
Detrich Lab
One central strategy of the Detrich Lab's work is the comparative approach to adaptational evolutionary biology – they use phylogenetically controlled contrasts to evaluate molecular causation in natural experiments, such as the evolution of proteins to function efficiently at cold temperature. O..
Lotterhos Lab
The Lotterhos Lab at Northeastern Marine Science Center seeks to understand how climate has shaped marine biodiversity and how a now rapidly changing climate will affect biodiversity in the future.
Vollmer Lab
This research group studies the evolution and ecology of marine organisms using cutting-edge, next-generation sequencing, which had revolutionized molecular genetics by providing unprecedented access to the genetic variation in any organism’s genome or transcriptome.
Amiji Group
The  research effort in the Laboratory of Biomaterials and Advanced Nano-Delivery Systems (BANDS) is focused on the development of biocompatible materials from natural and synthetic polymers, target-specific drug and gene delivery systems for cancer, CNS, inflammatory, and infectious diseases, and..
Epstein Lab
The Epstein lab works on microbial discovery in the environment and human microbiome. They uncover novel microbial life forms by inventing novel cultivation strategies that depart from conventional wisdom and provide access to the greatest part of microbial diversity: unexplored species missed in t..
Lewis Lab
The Lewis Lab studies persister cells responsible for tolerance to antibiotics, uncultured bacteria of the environment and the microbiome, and works on drug discovery.
O'Doherty Group
This research group has been working in two related areas of organic synthesis: carbohydrate synthesis and natural product synthesis.  The unifying theme that connects the research in these two areas is the method of synthesis (asymmetric catalysis) and target selection (anti-cancer, anti-viral an..
Laboratory for Neglected Disease Drug Discovery
This research program focuses on those areas of research that will impact on treatment of human disease and on areas that will expedite the drug discovery process.
Beuning Lab
The Beuning laboratory at Northeastern is focused on understanding the structure-function-dynamics relationships of proteins and enzymes, with a particular focus on proteins involved in DNA metabolism and DNA damage tolerance.
Biomaterials Design Group
The Biomaterials Design Group at Northeastern University works at the interface of bio-analytical chemistry, materials science, and design. We investigate fundamental mechanisms behind systems in biology and use our understanding to better inform the design new classes of protein-based biomaterials..
Engen Lab
The Engen Lab uses hydrogen exchange and mass spectrometry (HX MS) as our core technology to probe protein conformation, conformational changes, dynamics, protein folding and the effects of binding.
Thakur Lab
The Thakur Lab's research has a multi-dimensional aspect with a focus on treating a plethora of diseases and disorders. They target receptors like cannabinoid, nicotinic, and other protein complexes with the intent of designing pharmacotherapy for Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, anorexia ne..
Wanunu Lab
Professor Wanunu’s research involves studying biosystems at the nanoscale (macromolecular and sub-molecular levels).
Zhang Group
The Zhang group develops macromolecular systems to provide answers to important questions in biology and medicine.
SunnyLand applies protein chemistry, analysis and engineering to biology and medicine.
Apfeld Lab
The Apfeld Lab seeks to dissect the interplay between redox processes and age-dependent changes in tissue function in the nematode C. elegans, in order to shed light on the association between the dysregulation of the cellular redox environment and many human diseases of aging.
NeuroLab focuse on a new invertebrate model for central nervous system regeneration and the development of advanced devices for microscopy and imaging.
Advanced Biomaterials for Neuroengineering Laboratory
The focus of the Advanced Biomaterials for Neuroengineering Laboratory (ABNEL) is developing novel and transformative devices, biomaterials, and biophysical-based therapies for neuropathies in the Central, Peripheral, and Enteric nervous systems.
Woods Laboratory
The Woods Laboratory is interested in studying the role of mitochondria in normal and disease states, with a major emphasis on female reproductive function and health.
Laboratory of Neurobiology
Research in Prof. Zupanc’s laboratory focuses on the exploration of neural mechanisms underlying structural plasticity in the adult central nervous system of vertebrates. 
Champion Lab
The Champion lab studies the structure and dynamics of biomolecules using a variety of ultrafast laser-based techniques.
Research Alliance in Science and Engineering (RAISE)
Through integrative education and collaboration between undergraduate chemistry students and faculty mentors, RAISE continues the teaching curriculum beyond the classroom and into the real world.
Budil Lab
Prof. Budil’s group is interested in the physical behavior of macromolecules, including both synthetic polymers and biopolymers such as large proteins. Their principal investigative tool is electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, including very high-frequency ESR.
Ban-An Khaw Lab
The aim of Ban-An Khaw's research is to develop new approaches for diagnosis of various cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and to use them to further the understanding of the pathogenesis of these disorders to formulate novel therapies.
Makowski Lab
Image and signal processing as applied to biophysical data designed to answer fundamental questions about the molecular basis of living systems
Bellini Lab
Chiara Bellini studies diseases of the cardiovascular system and the effects of cellmediated growth and remodeling processes on tissue and organ mechanics.
Dai Lab
Guohao Dai's research focuses on 3-D bioprinting technology, stem cells technology, and vascular bioengineering.
Murthy Lab
Shashi Murthy's research focuses on microfluidic isolation of stem and progenitor cells, point-of-care diagnostics, cell surface phenomena during microfluidic flow, nanoscale probes for cell stimulation, and biopassive/bioactive coatings for neurological implants.
Parameswaran Lab
Harikrishnan Parameswaran's research focuses on cell-extracellular matrix interactions, force transmission in multicellular ensembles, asthma, pulmonary physiology.
Ruberti Lab
Jeffrey Ruberti's research focuses on tissue engineering of load-bearing matrix (bone, cornea), bioreactor design, multi-scale mechanobiochemistry, statistical mechanics, energetics microscopy, high-resolution imaging, and biopolymer self-assembly.
Stubbins Lab
Aron Stubbin's research fouses on environmental chemistry, geochemistry, the carbon cycle, freshwater, coastal and ocean biogeochemistry, feedbacks between natural biogeochemical cycles and climate change, permafrost, black carbon, and aquatic microplastics
Yunrong Chai's Lab
Yunrong Chai's lab is interested in understanding fundamental mechanisms controlling bacterial biofilm formation and the role of beneficial biofilms in bacteria-host interactions. They are also interested in inhibitory mechanisms targeting key processes during bacterial biofilm development.
Geisinger Lab
The Geisinger lab investigates the molecular basis of antibiotic resistance and disease development in infections with hospital-acquired pathogens.
Hanson Research Group
Professor Hanson’s research group focuses on the application of synthetic organic chemistry to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents for neoplastic diseases.
Oyinda Oyelaran's Lab
Oyinda Oyelaran is the co-PI of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department's NSF-REU site program.
Torchilin lab
Vladimir Torchilin's lab is conducting research on long-circulating and targeted pharmaceutical carriers for drugs and diagnostics in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models.
Day Lab
The Day Lab investigates the molecular role of G quadruplex DNA in genome stability and human disease.  
Logothetis Lab
Diomedes Logothetis's research brings together Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Delivery, Pharmacology/Physiology, and Structural Biology with the aim to form a solid foundation of pre-clinical studies on the action of pharmaceuticals and naturally occurring substances.
Mattos Lab
Research in the Mattos Lab focuses on understanding the rules that govern the recognition, assembly and function of macromolecular complexes.
Miller Lab
Greg Miller's lab focuses on the neurobiology, immunology and genetics associated with acute and chronic exposure to drugs of abuse. Their goals are to understand how drugs of abuse work in the brain and the body, to create new pharmacological treatment strategies for people who are addicted and mo..
Khrapko's Lab
Khrapko's lab is studying mutations in mtDNA and their effects on cellular physiology, aging and disease. THey also use mtDNA mutations to trace mtDNA lineages and to study human evolution.
Tilly's Lab
Tilly's lab seeks to promote a deeper understanding of the genetic and epigenetic drivers of cell lineage specification, differentiation and death, and to then utilize the information gained from these studies for development of innovative new technologies to improve human health within and across ..
Booth Lab
The Booth lab undertakes drug developing starting with a GPCR structure-based ligand design approach using molecular modeling experiments, followed by synthesis of target ligands and in vitro molecular pharmacology assays to delineate their a nity and function.
Institute for Chemical Imaging of Living Systems
The Institute develops imaging tools to highlight chemical processes - enabling clinicians to better diagnose and treat disease.
Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR)
The Center’s objective is simple: think networks. Research focuses on how networks emerge/evolve, how they look, and how they impact our understanding of complex systems. CCNR’s research has developed to unexpected areas, including the topology of the World Wide Web; complex networks inside th..
New England Inflammation and Tissue Protection Institute
This institute focuses on the role of tissue inflammation in fighting disease and infection, and the mechanisms that control tissue inflammation in the body. The Institute’s work has immediate implications for anti-cancer strategies and approaches to improved vaccines.
Dong Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Lab
The Dong Lab develops and applies physics-based and data-driven computational methods to understand multiscale processes, from electronic structures to emergent properties. We use such understandings to develop design strategies for molecules, materials, and processes that matter in renewable energ..
Northeastern University Mass Spectrometry Facility
The Mass Spectrometry Facility is a 2,200 sq. ft laboratory space that houses state-of-the-art liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation. The lab is operated as a “fee-for-service” resource for Northeastern University and external research investigators. The Facility provides ..

Interested in our undergraduate offerings?

The Minds Behind COS Biochemistry
Faculty Spotlight
Leila Deravi
The Biomaterials Design Group at Northeastern University works at the interface of bio-analytical chemistry, materials science, and design. We investigate fundamental mechanisms behind systems in biology and use our understanding to better inform the design new classes of protein-based biomaterials that may interface with or enhance the performance of humans.
John Engen
Current research projects in his laboratory include (1) investigations of kinase conformation to understand regulation and aberrant signaling in various disease states including cancer, (2) analysis of the conformation of viral accessory proteins from HIV, (3) studies of protein conformation at biological membranes, and (4) optimization and methods development in hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry.
Penny Beuning
Dr. Beuning aims to determine how cells respond to DNA damage and maintain the accuracy of genetic information. As part of this work, she aims to develop DNA damage tolerance enzymes and DNA repair proteins as tools for biotechnology applications
James Monaghan
Prof. Managhan’s lab uses the axolotl salamander to investigate the cellular and molecular basis of complex tissue regeneration.
Kirsten Fertuck
At Northeastern Fertuck teaches Biochemistry, as well as freshman-level Inquiries in Cell and Molecular Biology. She's also also taught advanced-level Molecular Cell Biology. She focuses on the effects of pollutants on signaling through the estrogen receptor.

Research Opportunities

Biochemistry research is interdisciplinary by nature, and there’s a broad array of laboratory research opportunities to explore here on campus, as well and nationally and internationally. Learn more about your research options for co-op, summer research, and more!

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Research in the Day Lab

Research in the Day Lab

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Co-op experiences

Starting around sophomore year, Northeastern’s unique co-operative education program allows biochemistry students to explore different pathways and potential careers both locally and around the globe. Hear what previous biochemistry students had to say about their experience with the program.
Margaret Cai
Margaret Cai, S'22 shares her experience as a Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry student.
Meet Margaret
Brian Cortese, Biochemistry’19
“There’s a lot more to it than just learning the bench and the skills, it’s about how to think, it’s about meeting new people, and it’s really all about the mentorship that will help you reach your potential long term.”
Zoe Bishop, Biochemistry Major
“My first co-op PI was on the admissions board for Harvard Medical School– talk about friends in high places! He’s helped me make important decisions, and I’m very thankful for that level of mentorship.”
Kalil Menezes, Biochemistry Major
``Co-op took me to Belgium where I spent weekdays in the neuroscience lab and weekends making unforgettable memories with friends.``

Interested in pursuing an advanced degree? Apply Today!

Coursework and Requirements
A sampling of the types of courses you could take here.
Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 4707

Integrates molecular biology and biochemistry in the cellular context. Focuses on the organization and function of eukaryotic cells, including the regulation of nuclear structure and gene expression, signal transduction, protein synthesis and growth, cellular energetics, the cytoskeleton and cell motility, cell division, and cell death. Emphasizes the scientific methodologies and approaches that underlie discovery in cell biology.

Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2301

Focuses on mechanisms of inheritance, gene-genome structure and function, and developmental genetics and evolution. Examples are drawn from the broad spectrum of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Topics and analytical approaches include transmission genetics, molecular biology and gene regulation, DNA molecular methods, quantitative and population genetics, bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics.

Protein Chemistry
CHEM 5620

Introduces protein chemistry in the context of molecular medicine. Discusses analytical methods used to elucidate the origin, structure, function, and purification of proteins. Surveys the synthesis and chemical properties of structurally and functionally diverse proteins, including globular, membrane, and fibrous proteins. Discusses the role of intra- and intermolecular interactions in determining protein conformation, protein folding, and in their enzymatic activity.


Arial shot of brownish green water with eight white birds flying over it as well.

As grad student, Northeastern co-op helps Bay Area startup develop device to prevent toxic algae blooms

In the Media

Neel Joshi
The ink is alive and made entirely of microbes
November 23, 2021
Kim Lewis
A better treatment for Lyme disease?
November 2, 2021