
Why do the betting odds decisively favor Trump in what appears to be a ‘coin flip’ election?
To understand the next pandemic, we must understand our own collective behavior — these researchers want to be ready
Northeastern empowers Boston teens through summer internships and math program

Journey to the Start

The College of Science mathematics degree prepares students not only to solve for (x), but to see the whole equation.

Plane A leaves at 1:00 pm, averaging 450 mph. Plane B leaves at 6:00 pm, averaging 400 mph. Which plane gets there first? 

You’ve heard a problem like this before, but never outside a classroom. Because in the real world, it’s much less black and white. 

That’s because life has invisible variables. For instance, it will depend on the accuracy of weather pattern predictions to account for delays. It will depend on assessments about the plane’s material parts and fuel efficiency. It will depend on the air traffic controllers issuing course corrections in real time. All these factors will contribute to when the planes will arrive.

So what’s the answer? The truth is that the answer is too small for the real question. The world depends on more than just calculations — it requires people who have the foresight and perspective necessary to keep the planes arriving on time. 

Belonging & Equity

The College of Science supports a culture where each person feels they belong, regardless of race, color, religion, religious creed, genetic information, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran or disability status. We celebrate the diversity of our community, and we seek to create a space where everyone belongs to further excellence. We commit to being a College where members act with respect, trust, collaboration, and communication, and where inappropriate behavior is reported and acted on without fear of retaliation.

Campus Feature


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116 Search Results
Rekha Bai

Rekha Bai

Associate Teaching Professor
Ning Bao

Ning Bao

Assistant Professor
Christopher Beasley

Christopher Beasley

Associate Professor and Mathematics Graduate Director
Stuart Brorson

Stuart Brorson

Nonteaching Affiliate and Adjunct Professor

Interested in our undergraduate offerings? Apply Today!

Faculty Research Areas

Modern algebra has its roots in the mathematics of the ancient world, arising out of the basic problem of solving equations. Following an explosive development in the twentieth century, it is now a vibrant, multi-faceted and wide-ranging branch of mathematics, having ties with almost every field of..
Analysis and Geometry
Analysis and Geometry falls under the field of mathematical analysis, which is a broad branch of mathematics that encompasses many fields, generally sharing a basis in calculus. Historically, analysis has played a crucial role in solving problems in physics and engineering; recent years have seen s..
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics falls under the field of mathematical analysis, which is a broad branch of mathematics that encompasses many fields, generally sharing a basis in calculus. Historically, analysis has played a crucial role in solving problems in physics and engineering; recent years have seen su..
Combinatorics and Discrete Math
Perhaps the fastest growing area of modern mathematics, Combinatorics and Discrete Math has a wealth of real-world applications, especially in computer science, which have greatly contributed to its rapid growth.
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic geometry generally uses tools from algebra to study objects called algebraic varieties that are solution sets to algebraic equations
Differential and Symplectic Geometry
Symplectic geometry studies objects with structure generalizing that of the phase space of certain dynamical systems.
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics encompasses a broad array of topics in pure and applied mathematics, and has applications in almost every field of scientific research. By its nature, the field is driven by real-world applications.
Topology and Singularities
The study of those properties that are preserved through continuous deformations of objects. It can be used to abstract the inherent connectivity of objects while ignoring their detailed form.
Applied Mathematics
Mathematics is weaved into every fiber of our lives and scientific endeavors. Our Applied Mathematics faculty at Northeastern has a very broad span ranging from Machine Learning, Topological Data Analysis and Network Science to Probability & Statistics, Optimization and Mathematical Biology.
Copos Lab
The Copos Lab is broadly interested in mathematical biology of the cell. They are a group of interdisciplinary scientists that develop models and new mathematical tools to tease apart the "internal machinery" of a living cell. Their work combines mechanics-based mathematical modeling, numerical and..
The Minds Behind COS Mathematics
Faculty Spotlight
Jonathan Mboyo Esole
Assistant professor in the College of Science, grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, studied at top institutions around the world, and has been awarded the Albert Einstein Fellowship. Since arriving in fall 2016, Esole has taught calculus and mathematical methods of quantum mechanics.
Paul Hand
Hand, an assistant professor of mathematics and computer science, has received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation to figure out how neural networks can be used to construct images, while searching for the mathematical theories behind those networks.
Xuwen Zhu
Zhu is an assistant professor of Mathematics. She is involved with the Differential Geometry Group, the Geometric Analysis Group, and the Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Group.
Jose Perea
Jose Perea is an associate professor in the department of mathematics and the Khoury college of computer sciences. Prior to Northeastern, he held positions as an assistant professor of CMSE and Mathematics at Michigan State (2015 – 2021), and as a visiting assistant professor of Mathematics at Duke University (2011 – 2015). He holds a PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University (2011) and a BSc in Mathematics from Universidad del Valle, Colombia (Valedictorian, Summa cum laude, 2006).
Calina Copos
Calina Copos is a mathematical biologist with applications to cell locomotion and cell cytoskeleton dynamics. She earned her PhD from University of California Davis with Bob Guy. She was a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute at New York University with Alex Mogilner. Prior to Northeastern University, she was a tenure-track Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Mathematics Department and Computational Medicine Program.

Interested in working with us?

Co-op Experiences

Many math students choose to participate in the university’s signature co-operative education program because it offers excellent preparation and exposure to exciting careers. Here’s what our students are saying:
Rohit Thakur
I experienced my second co-op at Nestlé. Working for the world’s largest consumer packaged goods company has added invaluable experience to my professional threshold. I plan to join them after graduation as a full-time employee.
Meet Rohit
Ruo Yang
“I am currently doing a co-op with Fidelity Investments. It is an extraordinary experience to learn and apply mathematical skills into the real world rather than with academics only. The fantastic program (co-op in applied mathematics) is the way to transform the abstract mathematical knowledge to the different actual projects which increase the interests with math.” - Consumer Analytics and Insights Co-op Program, Fidelity Investments
Liu Li
“I encountered new problems every day, learned new theories and practiced new models in every project. Working in industry is not the same thing as doing course projects at school. You have to learn things fast and keep pace with the development of new techniques.”
- Data Modeling, Custom Portfolios

Degree Options

Coursework and Requirements
A sampling of the types of courses you could take here.
Interactive Mathematics
MATH 1213

Develops problem-solving skills while simultaneously teaching mathematics concepts. Each unit centers on a particular applied problem, which serves to introduce the relevant mathematical topics.

Mathematics of Art
MATH 1220

Presents mathematical connections and foundations for art. Topics vary and may include aspects of linear perspective and vanishing points, symmetry and patterns, tilings and polygons, Platonic solids and polyhedra, golden ratio, non-Euclidean geometry, hyperbolic geometry, fractals, and other topics.

History of Mathematics
MATH 2201

Traces the development of mathematics from its earliest beginning to the present. Emphasis is on the contributions of various cultures including the Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, Indians, and Arabs.


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Why do the betting odds decisively favor Trump in what appears to be a ‘coin flip’ election?