About Solomon Jekel
PhD, Dartmouth College, 1974
C.L.E. Moore Instructor, M.I.T. 1974-1976
Lefschetz Visiting Professor, Centro de Investigacion, Mexico City, 1976-1979
Visiting Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 1999
Joined Northeastern in 1980
Institutes, Labs & Research Centers
Topology and Singularities
The study of those properties that are preserved through continuous deformations of objects. It can be used to abstract the inherent connectivity of objects while ignoring their detailed form.
The Euler Class in homological algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraRead
Powers of the Euler Class, Advances in MathematicsRead
A Hamiltonian with periodic orbits having several delays, Journal of Differential EquationsRead
On two theorems of A. Haefliger concerning foliations, TopologyRead
Loops on the classifying space for foliations, American Journal of MathematicsRead