Sunny Zhou

Sunny Zhou


  • Bioanalytical Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Enzymology, Protein Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Protein Pharmaceuticals

About Sunny Zhou

Professor Zhaohui Zhou (pronounced like Joe), a.k.a. Sunny, received his B.S. in chemistry from Peking University, Ph.D. in bioorganic chemistry from The Scripps Research Institute under Professor Donald Hilvert (now at ETH), and did postdoctoral research in enzymology and biochemistry with Professor Rowena G. Matthews at the University of Michigan. He is an editor of the journals mAbs and Therapeutic Antibodies.


Mailing Address:

102 HT (Hurtig Hall), Boston, MA 02115
Institutes, Labs & Research Centers
Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis
Chemistry and Chemical Biology

The Institute was established in 1973 as a center for advanced interdisciplinary research in the chemical analysis sciences at Northeastern University, in the educational hub of Boston, Massachusetts. Today, with over 50 scientists and an $8 million endowment, the Institute is recognized internationally as one of the premier centers for cutting-edge research and advanced training in analytical chemistry for biomedical applications. Faculty include Michael Pollastri and Alexander Ivanov.

Chemistry and Chemical Biology

SunnyLand applies protein chemistry, analysis and engineering to biology and medicine.



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