PSM Biotechnology Profile: Nathan Sorenson
Nathan Sorenson, an MS candidate in Biotechnology, sits down with the College of Science Graduate Program staff to talk about what it’s like to study at Northeastern University.
April 17, 2017
Biotech Futures introduces high school students to Northeastern’s College of Science and career options in the life sciences
On March 8th and 9th, 190 Massachusetts high school students participated in Biotech Futures. Biotech Futures is a day-long college and career exploration event that exposes high school students to the educational opportunities and diverse fields of study in the life sciences at the college level through hands-on laboratory experiences and a campus tour. The event was […]
March 10, 2017
Dr. Leila Deravi builds tech solutions that replicate nature
Electronic screens whose color-changing technology is inspired by squids. Skin constructed in the lab from protein fibers to mimic the aging process and test products that may slow it down.
November 29, 2016
Students in MS Biotechnology Share Rewarding Pre-co-op Experiences
On November 14, students in Northeastern’s Biotechnology Professional Science Master’s program gathered in the Curry Student Center to hear their classmates describe the pre-co-op work experiences they had performed during the summer semester. Co-op Coordinator Vanecia Harrison-Sanders moderated the panel. The intent of the pre-co-op is to provide “real-world” learning in industry, government, teaching hospitals, and academic research […]
November 15, 2016
Northeastern receives $9M to fast track discovery of new antibiotics
A team led by University Distinguished Professor of Biology Kim Lewis received a five-year, $9 million grant from the National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to launch a novel platform for developing antibiotics that kill pathogens without encountering resistance.
July 11, 2016
Dr. Auclair appointed academic director of Northeastern’s Biotech Programs
Dr. Jared Auclair comes to the position having been a significant contributor to the university’s educational mission teaching Protein Mass Spectrometry and establishing and operating Northeastern's Biopharmaceutical Analysis Training Laboratory in Burlington, MA
June 29, 2016
Dr. Auclair appointed academic director of Northeastern’s Biotech Programs
Dr. Jared Auclair comes to the position having been a significant contributor to the university’s educational mission teaching Protein Mass Spectrometry and establishing and operating Northeastern's Biopharmaceutical Analysis Training Laboratory in Burlington, MA
June 29, 2016
Dr. Anand Asthagiri and team reveal how cancer cells escape from tumors and spread
Metastasis is the cause of approximately 90 percent of deaths among cancer patients. How does metastasis come about? And can we stop it? Research published by Dr. Ashagiri and his team in Biophysical Journal reveals how the abnormal protein-fiber scaffolding of tumors and the agility of the cancer cells themselves come together in a perfect storm to […]
April 27, 2016
Chinese delegation visits Northeastern to learn about biotechnology
On Friday, March 18, faculty and staff of Northeastern’s Biotechnology Programs welcomed a delegation of 18 professors, physician’s and research fellows from Anhui Province in China. The group spent time in New Jersey and Massachusetts visiting a variety of sites in order to learn about the U.S. biotechnology industry. The delegation wanted to visit Northeastern in order […]
March 21, 2016
Rare Cell Studies Earn Researcher Prestigious Mass Spectrometry Award
Alexander R. Ivanov, research associate professor in the Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis, has received a research award from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. The award, one of only two given each year, provides a financial grant to young scientists to promote academic research in mass spectrometry.
September 09, 2015
Biotechnology PSM Alumni Welcomed Back for Career Panel
In preparation for their upcoming graduate co-op experience, second year students in the Biotechnology PSM Program attended a career panel event on October 22 in Northeastern’s Alumni Center. Jay Duffer, Senior Scientist at Momenta Pharmaceuticals; Ruchita Chawla, Research Associate Protein Engineer at Manus Biosynthesis, and Srishti Gurnani, Research Associate at Momenta Pharmaceuticals–all graduates of the […]
October 22, 2014
Dr. John Engen on Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry
Dr. John Engen utilizes hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry to make confirmation of biosimilars a feasible task. His work was recently highlighted in the journal Biopharm International.
March 03, 2014
EMD Serono Receives 2013 NPSMA Advisory Board Award
EMD Serono, Inc.'s Billerica, MA office is the recipient of the 2013 Advisory Board Award of the National Professional Science Master's Association (NPSMA).
December 06, 2013
300th PSM Program Celebrated at Milestone Event at Library of Congress
Milestone event celebrates over 300 Professional Science Master's programs worldwide.
November 15, 2013