Students in Northeastern’s Biotechnology Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Program who are preparing for their upcoming co-op experience had an opportunity to interact with four professionals from the biotechnology industry in a career development event held on Wednesday, October 9 in the Alumni Center. The students benefitted from hearing first hand from the panelists about their career paths, what they as hiring managers look for in potential employees, and their tips for job searching and interviewing. Three of the panelists who are alumni of the Biotechnology and Regulatory Science PSM Programs described their co-op and how it prepared them to enter the workforce post graduation.
The panelists were Leah Dudziak (Biotech ’13), Quality Control Laboratory Analyst at Cubist Pharmaceuticals; Chengyu Cash Goa (Reg Sci ’13), Regulatory Strategist at Pfizer; Amanda Weyers, postdoc at Momenta Pharmaceuticals; and Sangram Yadav (Biotech ’10), Research Associate at Manus Biosynthesis. The event was facilitated by Prof. Jim Leung, Director of Biotechnology Programs.