Brain Awareness Week 2016
Every March, Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. NEURONs club and Nu Rho Psi have united with other worldwide organizations in this celebration of the brain throughout the week of March 21-25. Please see the full schedule here.
March 07, 2016
Ronan Talty, BNS junior, wins best poster award at regional conference
BNS junior, Ronan Talty, won the Nu Rho Psi Poster award for scientific merit at the 29th Annual NEURON conference at Quinnipaic University on Sunday, February 28th, 2016. As a member of Dr. Shansky’s lab of Neuroanatomy and Behavior, Ronan investigated “Estrogen-dopamine interactions during extinction learning in female rats”. A dozen BNS students and faculty […]
March 07, 2016
Professor Shansky featured in News@Northeastern
Prof. Shansky’s research, which contradicts conventional wisdom about how we react to fear, provides insights into new treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, through a preclinical study that demonstrates differences between how males and females respond to traumatic events.
February 02, 2016
BNS T-Shirts Available – ONLY $10, 203 Mugar
Welcome back Behavioral Neuroscience students and faculty- to kick off the new academic year, please stop by our office (203 Mugar) to purchase a new BNS t-shirt.
September 09, 2015
Two new Faculty joined the BNS Program
The Behavioral Neuroscience Program is proud to announce the addition of two new academic faculty during 2015. Their research and teaching expertise will enhance and expand our core course offerings and student experience.
September 03, 2015
Prof. Craig Ferris BUILDs opportunities with Neuro-Imaging
Prof. Craig Ferris joins as a mentor for NIH’s Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative.
September 01, 2015
Prof. Fred Davis Appointed to Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Dr. Davis will provide mentorship and oversight of the programs that support faculty in academic roles within the College of Science.
September 01, 2015
BNS students awarded 2015 Nu Rho Psi summer research grant
Behavioral Neuroscience Students, Kristen Brown and Christine Boutros, awarded 2015 Nu Rho Psi Summer Research Grant.
August 28, 2015
Shansky Lab featured on the cover of Biological Psychiatry
BNS professor's and graduate student's image was featured on the cover of the August 2015 print issue of Biological Psychiatry.
August 28, 2015
Julia Albert, BNS major named Goldwater Scholar
Julia Ebert, a third-year behavioral neuroscience major, has been awarded a prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.
October 08, 2013