About Joanna Weaver
My research interests include cognitive development in early childhood and social-psychological, motivational, and cognitive factors that influence learning in educational settings throughout childhood and adolescence. I am a research collaborator on the ManyNumbers NSF Collaborative Grant: A Multi-Lab Investigation of the Conceptual Foundations of Early Number Development, which involves labs around the world contributing experimental research to our understanding the conceptual foundations of early numeracy in preschool children. In other lines of research, I investigate the effects of exploratory learning and analogical reasoning on knowledge development and transfer within science and mathematics. I teach lecture and lab courses in Developmental Psychology, Learning and Motivation, and Foundations of Psychology.
Reverse the routine: Problem solving before instruction improves conceptual knowledge in undergraduate physicsRead
Executive function and Theory of Mind in explaining young children’s moral reasoning: A Test of the Hierarchical Competing Systems ModelRead
Limited support for use of a social-belonging intervention with first-year engineering studentsRead
Social-belonging and first-year engineering mathematics: A cooperative learning interventionRead