About Damon Hall
My research and teaching focus on the human dimensions of sustainability challenges where science, policy, and culture meet. I am interested in questions about how to make knowledge useful for sustainable transitions. My work addresses two related themes: (1) the representation and communication of social–ecological systems in decision making and (2) meaningful stakeholder participation in environmental policy and science. I believe research that contributes to the resiliency of social–ecological systems must be transdisciplinary in that it engages communities of diverse experts including scientists, stakeholders, managers, and local practitioners to design innovations that make sense to how people—whose behavior is the target of policy—commonly experience their world.
I am currently working on inclusive systems modeling and life-cycle-assessment, asking how can engaging communities make more meaningful models for society and science? I am also tracking the development of insect pollinator conservation policy. As societies become aware of our dependence on pollinators, how can we develop in ways that allow pollinators to flourish? For the past two decades, I have engaged a variety of communities in water resources management to address flooding, drought, erosion, water sharing, and nature-based solutions. In what ways can we integrate sound scientific analysis, local knowledge, and effective public deliberation for the sustainability of shared resources and communities?
Research includes representation and communication of social–ecological models, cultural models in environmental decision making, stakeholder engagement in environmental policy, and environmental communication.