About Remy Gatins
My research is broadly focused on the ecology and evolution of marine organisms. I am interested in understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes that drive biodiversity patterns in a rapidly changing environment at the genomic, population, and species-level. Evolutionary processes such as adaptation and speciation—the process by which new species arise—depend on the population’s genetic makeup. As climate change continues to accelerate, species’ persistence will depend on their populations’ ability to adapt quickly to new demographic and environmental conditions.
Most of our research focuses on three main areas: genetic connectivity in marine fishes, genomic signatures speciation and hybridization, and the impact of climate-driven range expansions in marine organisms.
Marine Evolutionary Genomics Lab (Gatins Lab)
Our lab uses genomic tools to better understand how ecological and evolutionary processes shape biodiversity patterns in marine systems. Our current research focuses on three main areas: genetic connectivity in marine fishes, genomic signatures speciation and hybridization, and the impact of climate-driven range expansions in marine organisms.
As a research group, we strive to foster an inclusive and diverse work environment.
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