Alexandra Fischbach

Alexandra Fischbach

Graduate Student

About Alexandra Fischbach

My undergraduate research investigated both the environmental and biological antecedents to negative affect, as seen in disorders of anxiety and fear and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. My core research question examined how the ability to regulate stressors during juvenility and adolescence influences the mediation of trauma in the progression of adult pathology.

As a 4th year graduate student, I utilize high-resolution functional imaging (7 Tesla) to investigate subcortical brain structures conventionally associated with ‘fight-or-flight’ systems. My research aims to provide a new perspective on these regions as mediators of interoception and broader brain-body communication.

More broadly, I am interested in exploring the underlying interoceptive mechanisms and anatomical connections that mediate subjective experiences of threat, anxiety, and depression.

Area: Behavioral Neuroscience
Advisors: Karen Quigley; Lisa Feldman Barrett


Mailing Address:

125 NI (Nightingale Hall), Boston, MA 02115

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