College of Science Co-op Expo Event

The first College of Science Co-op Expo is scheduled for October 6, 2011, from 2-5 pm in the Curry Student Center Ballroom. This event will provide COS students with an opportunity to share what they have learned on their Co-op with faculty, administrators, and COS freshmen who have been invited to the event.
Students in the College of Science who are returning from Co-op are strongly encouraged to prepare an abstract. Abstracts must be submitted by the end of the day on August 22, 2011. A committee will review and recommend posters selected for presentation. We are eager to have students from all majors and who have been involved in clinical, medical, international, as well as traditional research experiences. Prizes (IPad 2, an ITouch, and a gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles) will be awarded for the three best poster presentations. Please see the abstract submission form and Employer Information forms below for details on how to submit.

Employer Information
Abstract Submission Form
