Martin Ross

Martin Ross


  • Field Mapping, Igneous Petrology, Volcanology

About Martin Ross

My research into volcanic rocks covers a wide geographic range including eastern Massachusetts, the Pacific Northwest, northern Nevada, northern California, and Alaska. It also spans rocks ranging in age from late Proterozoic to Miocene. Methodology includes extensive field work and the production and analyses of large volumes of geochemical and petrographic data. Areas of study include the following:

  • A field and geochemical investigation into the origin of Columbia River Basalts in eastern Oregon and northern Nevada.
  • A field, geochemical, and petrographic investigation into the nature, extent, and origin of Pre-Mesozoic mafic dike swarms in the Boston, Massachusetts area and Cape Ann.
  • Mesozoic mafic magmatism eastern Massachusetts portion of the Coastal New England Province.
  • The nature and origin of a rare, sekaninaite-bearing paralava in the Alaska Range, Alaska.
  • The petrology of a rare magnetite lava flow in the Nenana Basin, Alaska Range, Alaska.
  • The petrology of the Teepee Butte Member volcanic complex, Columbia River Basalt, southeast Washington.

My work is highly collaborative with co-investigators including Vic Camp (San Diego State University), Steve Reidel (Pacific Northwest Lab), Nelson Eby (University of Massachusetts, Lowell), Jack Ridge (Tufts University), Jill VanTongeren (Tufts University), and Yvette Kuiper (Colorado School of Mines).


Mailing Address:

14 Holmes Hall


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