About Olga Vitek
Dr. Vitek holds a PhD in Statistics from Purdue University. After a postdoc in the Ruedi Aebersold lab at the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, she was a Faculty and a University Faculty Scholar at Purdue. She is currently Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, and affiliated faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Northeastern University. Her research intersects statistical science, machine learning, mass spectrometry, proteomics and systems biology. Statistical methods and open-source software MSstats and Cardinal developed in her lab are widely used in academia and industry. Dr. Vitek is an elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and a recipient of the 2021 Gilbert S. Omenn Computational Proteomics Award of the US Human Proteome Organization (HUPO). She is also a recipient of the CAREER award of the National Science Foundation, and of the Essential Open-source Software Award of the Chan-Zuckerberg foundation. Dr. Vitek serves an a Senior Member of the International Society for Computational Biology, an Elected Member of the Council of HUPO and of the Board of Directors of USHUPO. She is Associate Editor of the journal Bioinformatics.
The Institute was established in 1973 as a center for advanced interdisciplinary research in the chemical analysis sciences at Northeastern University, in the educational hub of Boston, Massachusetts. Today, with over 50 scientists and an $8 million endowment, the Institute is recognized internationally as one of the premier centers for cutting-edge research and advanced training in analytical chemistry for biomedical applications. Faculty include Michael Pollastri and Alexander Ivanov.
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