Javier Apfeld

Prof. Javier Apfeld studies worms to reveal the fountain of youth

 Prof. Javier Apfeld

“Pro­fessor Javier Apfeld, who joined the Col­lege of Sci­ence this fall, wants to under­stand that aging process. With worms as his sub­jects, he plumbs the cel­lular mech­a­nisms dri­ving the com­plex pro­tein inter­ac­tions reg­u­lating lifespan, some of which—remarkably—have been con­served through evo­lu­tion all the way from his micro­scopic Caenorhab­ditis ele­gans to us.”

Prof. Javier Apfeld asks: ‘What con­trols how long an organism lives?’

‘I study that ques­tion in worms, which are a great model because they live only about two weeks, so I can do exper­i­ments quickly and rel­a­tively inex­pen­sively . . . many of the genes that affect lifespan in worms affect lifespan in other organisms.’ ” – News@Northeastern article by Thea Singer

Read the whole story here: http://www.northeastern.edu/news/2016/03/researcher-studies-worms-to-reveal-the-fountain-of-youth/
