
A Better Brainwave Monitor

The elec­trical out­puts of the brain con­tain mas­sive amounts of infor­ma­tion that could be a pow­erful resource if we could fully tap into it.
December 05, 2012

Student and Advisor Team Up For Co-op Success

Mathew Chamberlain, a fifth year senior, chose to attend Northeastern University because of its co-op program, and he’s participated in two exciting opportunities because of it.
December 05, 2012

Student and Advisor Team Up For Co-Op Success

Mathew Chamberlain, a fifth year senior, chose to attend Northeastern University because of its co-op program, and he’s participated in two exciting opportunities because of it.
December 04, 2012

Justin Dowd: The True Story of Darkness

Darkness is an illusion produced by the mind. Your eyes detect a sliver of light shining in the surrounding world, like Alice viewing Wonderland through a keyhole.
December 03, 2012

The rungs of mathematical discovery

More than a decade ago, math­e­matics pro­fessor Valerio Toledano Laredo was puz­zling over the rela­tion­ship between the sym­me­tries of macro­scopic and micro­scopic sys­tems when he dis­cov­ered a brand new set of dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions.
November 29, 2012

The real NCIS

The foren­sics lab isn’t nearly as glam­orous as tele­vi­sion would have you think. Jacquelyn Horman would know. The chem­istry major had watched her fair share of the police pro­ce­dural dramas NCIS and CSI: Miami before landing a co-​​op job with the crime lab at the Mesa, Ariz., police depart­ment. The lab work — not glitzy but crit­ical to inves­ti­ga­tions — strength­ened her interest in the field, she said.
November 26, 2012