Bioengineering professor receives NIH ‘New Innovator Award’

Bioengineering professor receives NIH ‘New Innovator Award’

The National Institutes of Health recognized Nikolai Slavov, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, with its New Innovator Award. On winning the award, Slavov said, “There is this momentum and enthusiasm for taking smart risks among both the faculty and students at Northeastern—asking big questions and doing whatever is required to contribute to their resolution.”

Direct evi­dence. It’s the holy grail in sci­en­tific discovery.

Nikolai Slavov, assis­tant pro­fessor in the Depart­ment of Bio­engi­neering, found that grail in the least likely of places: deep inside ribo­somes, the mol­e­c­ular machines in cells that assemble all the pro­teins that keep living things—from bud­ding yeast to us—functioning.

This month, the National Insti­tutes of Health rec­og­nized Slavov’s ground­breaking research with its Director’s New Inno­vator Award. The five-year, $2.35 mil­lion award is part of the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research pro­gram, which sup­ports highly cre­ative early-career researchers taking out-of-the-box approaches to major chal­lenges in bio­med­ical research.

Slavov’s work flew in the face of sci­en­tists’ decades-long assump­tion that all ribo­somes were the same. Some spec­u­lated that their com­po­si­tion, and hence their func­tion, might vary, but no one had been able to pro­vide exper­i­mental or obser­va­tional proof of the claim. –Thea Singer for News@Northeastern

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