"Artificial liver” research featured on the Wall Street Journal's VentureWire blog

Research collaboration between the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Empiriko has led to development of a device, which has been heralded as an artificial liver.  The Biomimiks technology is designed to allow researchers to screen potential pharmaceuticals for toxic metabolites, bypassing the need for animal studies.  Work at Northeastern involves department chair Graham Jones, graduate student Chiara Chapman and Mukund Chorghade, an adjunct professor. Initial results were presented at the ACS national meeting in Dallas – which attracted considerable attention as the presentation won a prize from the ACS. The latest developments led to an announcement which was featured on the Wall Street Journal’s VentureWire blog as the technology gets ready to be commercialized.  Scientific advisors to Empiriko include nobel laureates, Robert Grubbs and Richard Roberts, the latter of which was recently appointed as a distinguished professor in the College of Science.

Chemistry and Chemical Biology