Connected Science Community Physics PhD Program

A new kind of PhD training

Conduct groundbreaking Physics research and develop skills that open a vast set of future careers with the support of a cross-College PhD Community!

The Connected Science Community Physics PhD Program provides students a graduate-level understanding of basic physics concepts, as well as the ability to formulate a research plan, orally communicate a research plan, and conduct/present independent research.

Our research specializations reflect the forefront research activities of the department, including astrophysics and cosmology, biological physics, condensed matter physics, elementary particle physics, and network science.

You will be joining a graduate program that is committed to cultivating a culture of respect and collaboration where the contribution of each person is valued.

Participate in groundbreaking physics research

Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics Group
This reearch group is interested in understanding collective and emergent behavior in out-of-equilibrium and disordered systems. The research employs methods in theoretical and computation condensed matter physics and applies to a wide range of biological and non-biological systems.
Sage Lab
Professor Sage’s research is motivated by a fascination with the physical basis for the function of proteins. He develops and applies novel spectroscopic approaches to understand the structure, dynamics, and function of biological macromolecules.
Spring Lab
Professor Spring’s group bridges biophysics, biomedical optics and cancer biology to selectively target micrometastases left behind by standard therapies that limit our ability to cure many cancers.
Neurogeometry Lab
Research in this lab is aimed at understanding the basic brain functions and principles of synaptic connectivity in the cerebral cortex through the quantitative analysis of neuron morphology.
Venkatachalam Lab
Studies of the neurophysiology of C. elegans from its birth to adulthood, which reveals the detailed relationship between the developing nervous system and the animal behavior. Advanced neurotechnology and microscopy techniques are used to measure large populations of neurons in freely behaving a..
Whitford Research Group
Professor Whitford’s research probes the energetic properties of biomolecular dynamics through a combination of theoretical modeling and high-performance computing (HPC). His investigations of biomolecular order-disorder transitions and energy transduction processes span from protein and ribo..
Wanunu Lab
Professor Wanunu’s research involves studying biosystems at the nanoscale (macromolecular and sub-molecular levels).
MoBS Lab
Alessandro Vespignani’s research activity is focused on the study of “techno-social” systems, where infrastructures composed of different technological layers are interoperating within the social components that drives their use and development.
Kar Lab
Professor Kar’s interests lie in the investigation of electronic, optical, and electrochemical properties of graphene and development of graphene-based applications, including energy generation and storage.
DK Lab
DK Lab research focuses on the theory and fundamentals of complex networks. Research topics of particular interest to the lab are latent network geometry, maximum-entropy random graph ensembles and random geometric graphs, causal sets, navigation in networks, and fundamentals of network dynamics.
Menon Lab
Professor Menon is the Principal Investigator of the Advanced Nanomaterials Research laboratory at Northeastern University where she conducts and supervises research in the area of nanomaterials, specifically porous alumina, titania nanotubes, gallium nitride nanowires, etc. She is particularly int..
Emergent Epidemics Lab
Research in the Emergent Epidemics Lab spans a broad range of topics in complex systems and network science, with an emphasis on infectious disease dynamics and forecasting/predictive models.
Spintronics & Nanomagnetics Group
Professor Heiman’s research group focuses on several challenging and technologically important areas: (1) topological materials; (2) nanomagnetism; and (3) novel spintronic materials.
Israeloff Lab
Professor Israeloff’s approach in the understanding of disordered systems, critical phenomena, and non-linear dynamics is to probe model complex materials with novel mesoscopic techniques, with an emphasis on noise measurements and analyses.
Batishchev Lab
Prof. Batishchev’s main research areas are Plasma Physics applications in fusion energy, laser-matter interaction, space, electric propulsion, and industry, and Computational Physics with focus on high-performance computing.
Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS)
Research at CIRCS falls within the areas of biomolecular systems, cardiac systems, neural systems, and nanosystems. Research projects are continuously evolving as members develop new collaborations both within and outside the center.
Champion Lab
The Champion lab studies the structure and dynamics of biomolecules using a variety of ultrafast laser-based techniques.
Kravchenko Lab
Professor Kravchenko is studying low temperature (millikelvin) properties of low-dimensional electron systems by means of transport, capacitance, thermopower, and magnetization measurements.
Sridhar Lab
Professor Sridhar has published more than 200 articles on his work in nanomedicine, neurotechnology, nanophotonics, metamaterials, quantum chaos, superconductivity and collective excitations in materials. Watch a short video about the Sridhar Lab.
Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Novel Materials
His group is developing and implementing theoretical methodologies for carrying out first-principles calculations of spectral intensities relevant for angle-resolved photoemission, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, scanning tunneling microscopy, and positron-annihilation angular correlation.
Network Science Institute
The NSI works to discover and inspire fundamentally new ways to measure, model, predict and visualize meaningful interactions and interconnectivity of social, physical and technological systems. Faculty include: Alessandro Vespignani, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Dima Krioukov, Samuel Scarpino.
Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR)
The Center’s objective is simple: think networks. Research focuses on how networks emerge/evolve, how they look, and how they impact our understanding of complex systems. CCNR’s research has developed to unexpected areas, including the topology of the World Wide Web; complex networks inside th..
Center for STEM Education
This university-wide center aspires to play a key role in shaping and implementing the K-20 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education strategy at Northeastern University, and to impact STEM teaching and learning at all levels, both locally and nationally.
Nanomedicine Innovation Center (NIC)
The mission of the Nanomedicine Innovation Center is to generate cutting-edge research in Nanomedicine, develop innovative education and training, and place an emphasis on diversity and broadening participation. It is home to state-of-the art facilities and resources and has established partnership..
Quantum Matter and Correlated Electron Theory Lab
The Fiete lab has broad interests in condensed matter physics that range from confined electrons at the nanoscale to frustrated magnetism in macroscopic samples. Their research focuses primarily on interaction effects in quantum many-body systems. The theoretical methods they use range from numeric..
Theoretical Particle Physics Group
Members of our group work in particle physics, cosmology, and string theory, often with overlap between the subjects.
Compact Muon Solenoid at LHC
We study precision measurements of Standard Model processes and are searching for signatures of new physics, including leptoquarks, dark matter candidates in topologies with Z bosons and invisible decays, and exotic production and decays of Higgs bosons.
Di Pierro Lab
The Di Pierro Lab is focused primarily on physical genetics. We are broadly interested in the physical processes involved in the translation of genetic information. We develop novel theoretical approaches to characterize the structure and function of the genome using the tools of statistical physic..
Stevenson Group
The Stevenson group is an experimental research group working at the interface of physics, chemistry, and materials science. Our research focuses on the twin problems of developing new tools for understanding biophysical dynamics and building new hardware for quantum communication.
Aramaki Lab
The Aramaki Lab group focuses on experimental astrophysics research with an emphasis on dark matter searches and gamma-ray observations, engaging in SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search), GAPS (General AntiParticle), and GRAMS (Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey) projects.
Time-Domain High-Energy Astrophysics Group
The time-domain high-energy astrophysics group studies a large variety of high energy transient phenomena related to black holes of mass across all mass scale and neutron stars. This group focuses on tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes (tidal disruption events), the hunt for the rare i..
Cosmology Group
We aim to unravel the mysteries of the Universe, including the nature of dark energy and dark matter, the laws of gravity on the largest scales, and the earliest moments after the Big Bang. To study these topics, we model and analyze observations of galaxies and other astrophysical objects,..
Williams Laboratory for Single Molecule Biophysics
The Williams Laboratory for Single Molecule Biophysics specializes in the development of single molecule methods for quantitatively probing the biophysical properties of DNA and RNA and for understanding the biophysics of their interactions with proteins and other DNA binding ligands.
The Northeastern Advanced Magnetics & Electronics (NAME) Laboratory is committed to discovering novel magnetic and electronic phenomena and exploring their potential for next-generation microelectronic and computing technologies.
Northeastern University Mass Spectrometry Facility
The Mass Spectrometry Facility is a 2,200 sq. ft laboratory space that houses state-of-the-art liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation. The lab is operated as a “fee-for-service” resource for Northeastern University and external research investigators. The Facility provides ..

How the Connected Science Community Physics PhD program works

Upon joining the Physics PhD program, you will also join a Connected Science Community of PhD students across the College of Science. During the summer before your first year, you will participate in workshops to develop key skills, explore and utilize university resources, and learn about potential post-PhD careers.

During Fall semester of your first year, you will begin coursework and continue research in your department. Throughout your first year and beyond, you will continue your research while sustaining your Connected Science Community through seminars, workshops, and social activities.

In this unique PhD training program, you’ll:

– join a Community of PhD students across all College of Science departments, who learn from each other, collaborate, and draw on one other’s experience;

– develop Career and Core Skills and inside knowledge of the outstanding career opportunities open to our PhD graduates;

– explore Cross-Disciplinary Research to help you solve pressing research challenges; and

– gain external Work Experience – an integral part of your professional training, with many opportunities.

A Culture of Respect

In the Northeastern University College of Science, we embrace a culture of respect and inclusion, where each person is valued and empowered with equitable opportunities and access to resources. We commit to implementing initiatives that dismantle systemic oppression and build a diverse community.

Learn more

Additional information

Is the program funded?

For the duration of their program, students receive full tuition scholarship, a graduate assistant position with stipend, and health insurance.

When is the application deadline?

The deadline to apply is December 1.

What are the program requirements?

Bachelor’s Degree Entrance
Complete all courses and requirements listed here unless otherwise indicated.


  • Two qualifying examinations
  • Annual review
  • Candidacy
  • Preliminary research seminar proposal with proposed dissertation committee
  • Preliminary research seminar talk
  • Dissertation defense

Program Credit/GPA Requirements

  • 42 total semester hours required
  • Minimum 3.000 GPA required

Want to learn more about the Connected Science Community Physics PhD program? Fill out the form below and a team member will be in touch.

Your career starts here. Apply today.