About Oleg Batishchev
Prof. Batishchev’s main research areas are Plasma Physics applications in fusion energy, laser-matter interaction, space, electric propulsion, and industry, and Computational Physics with focus on high-performance computing. Of particular interest are physical systems described with non-linear kinetic equations coupled with electro-magnetic fields, collisional processes and radiation transport, which are simulated using adaptive Eulerian methods in phase-space. Experimental research includes gas discharges and high-resolution spectroscopy.
Prof. Batishchev was the Chairman of the 18th ICNSP and Winner of the 2009 Breakthrough Award as the inventor of the Minihelicon.
Member of APS (DPP and DCOMP), IEEE and AIAA.
Prof. Batishchev’s main research areas are Plasma Physics applications in fusion energy, laser-matter interaction, space, electric propulsion, and industry, and Computational Physics with focus on high-performance computing.