Tell us about yourself
I am Erin Williams. I will be graduating in May of 2023 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Cell and Molecular Biology and a minor in Psychology.
What has been your favorite class you have to taken at Northeastern?
I enjoyed taking biological inquiries course required for biology based majors. Specifically the course focused Fertility and Infertility with Jonathon Tilly. After all of my course work, the knowledge obtained in this class has been useful through my academic development.
How has your Northeastern experience enhanced your future career aspirations?
Entering Northeastern I planned to complete my pre-med qualifications and put myself in the best position for medical school. I still completed my pre-med course load, however Co-op expanded my horizon of career opportunities. My first co-op was at a biotech company and completely changed my career interest to research and develop translational medicine.
What organizations are you apart of on campus and how have they helped you expand your professional goals?
I was apart of COSSDAC in my earlier years of college. This club provided a space of support, filled with passionate upper classman who had so much experience to share. Everyone learned from each other and the programs offered through the club facilitated exposure to various career opportunities. Speakers from all over the country shared secrets to how they accomplished their accolades and shared stories from their inspiring paths.
I also served on the COS diversity council as the undergraduate representative. Every meeting was fillied with departmental representatives that joined as one to create programs, policies, and avenues to insure inclusion of all throughout the college of science. Here I was exposed to many persepctives and moving parts that go into running a University. This offered insight into more possible careeer paths that can be taken where passion transcends through work.
What are your plans for this coming summer/fall?
After my graduation in May, I plan to take the summer to travel and work for a production company. In the fall I will start my master courses at Northeastern and work for a Biotechnology company as Scientist I.
What is one piece of advice you would give to new students?
My biggest piece of advice for new students is to be open to many possibilities and new paths. Sometimes we choose careers because that’s all that we know, but the world is vastly changing and there is a career opportunity in this world that meets your individual passions. Find it, love it, and build a life with a career that suits who you uniquely are. It is out there, go fishing for it.