The Kwon Lab for Low Vision and Brain Research

Welcome to the Kwon Lab for Low Vision and Brain research! Our lab is based in the Department of Psychology at Northeastern University. The central theme of research in our lab is to understand how people with visual impairment see and recognize the world around them. To this end, we study how the visual system deals with four major aspects of visual deficits that often occur in impaired vision: blur, low contrast, visual field loss, and abnormal binocular interaction. We are particularly interested in how these deficits affect daily visual activities such as reading, object/face recognition or navigation, and whether there are any perceptual and cortical changes associated with these deficits. We are also interested in developing effective training/rehabilitative regimens to improve the visual function of low vision patients. Our research involves psychophysical, eye tracking, fMRI and computational investigations in normal and visually impaired humans (e.g., macular degeneration, glaucoma, amblyopia and other disorders of the retina and optic nerve).