NHGRI Advanced Genomic Technology Development Meeting
A small registration fee ($125) will be charged to all participants for the grantee meeting (this fee will also cover registration for the open meeting). Coffee breaks, a light snack, breakfast, and lunch will be provided on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Please register here and enter the code you received with your invitation.
Lodging Reservation:
Residential apartments (single rooms with private bathroom) are available at a rate of $125/night and single rooms with a shared bathroom will be available at a rate of $80/night. Regular hotel toiletries will be provided. Reserve dorm lodging here.
Hotel rooms are available at the Midtown Hotel at the rate of $189/night plus occupancy tax (use the block name NEU NHGRI Conference if calling to make a reservation and the block code NEUNHGRI if reserving online). https://www.midtownhotel.com/ (617.262.1000)
Hotel rooms are also available at the Inn at Longwood for $249 per night (block code NHGR2020). Please book over the phone at at 617.731.4700 or by using the booking link.
Abstract submission:
Submit abstracts by Friday, February 28 to Hanh Ngo ([email protected]).
Meeting information:
This conference will be held on May 27-May 29, 2020, with the first two days as the closed conference and the last day as a public meeting.
Agenda: A more specific agenda will be posted after all abstracts have been received and submitted.
Closed Grantee Session: ~8:30 AM Wednesday, May 27, to ~5:30 PM Thursday, May 28
Public Session: May 29, ~8:30 AM to ~4:30 PM.
Northeastern University
East Village 17th Floor Event Space
Northeastern University Campus Map
Purpose of this meeting: An open forum on key scientific and technical challenges to advancing a broad set of genomic technologies including those for nucleic acid sequencing.
Why participate: Participants will learn about state-of-the-art research on genome technologies and NHGRI’s technology development program, and share their knowledge and expertise to help advance the field. They will have an opportunity to contribute insights on possible solutions to key challenges.
Presentation opportunities: Participants are encouraged to submit poster abstracts. A subset of abstracts will be selected for platform presentation.
Participants: Scientists and engineers who are expert in fields such as genomics, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, analytical chemistry, physics, single-molecule studies, micro- and nanotechnology, materials, signal processing, fast/sensitive electronics, and many others.
Personal Communications: Abstracts, posters and presentations at this meeting are privileged communications and are not to be cited. Please, no photos, audio or video recordings, blogging, or other similar recording or dissemination of the contents presented during meeting sessions.
Meetings such as this are most productive in an atmosphere of open discussion of recent results. We ask that all participants at the meeting treat what they see and hear as personal communication, and that they not re-disseminate the information without explicit permission of the presenter/originator of the data.
Program Logistics Questions:
Bao-Hanh Ngo
Program Support – Division of Genome Sciences
National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
Phone: 301.435.5565
Fax: 301.480.2770
[email protected]
Registration and Venue Questions:
Nancy Wong
Local Conference Organizing Contact
Northeastern University: Department of Physics
Phone: 617.373.4240
Fax: 617.373.2943
[email protected]
Scientific Organizers:
Michael Smith
Program Director – Division of Genome Sciences
National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
Phone: 301.480.3413
Fax: 301.480.2770
[email protected]
Meni Wanunu
Associate Professor
Phone: 671-373-7412
[email protected]