COS Equity Dashboard

College of Science Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice Initiatives.

Last updated September 2022


The College of Science embraces a culture of respect and collaboration, where each person feels valued for their contribution and is treated fairly. We embrace a culture where each person feels they belong, regardless of race, color, religion, religious creed, genetic information, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran or disability status. We commit to be a College where members act with respect, trust, collaboration and communication, and where inappropriate behavior is reported and acted on without fear of retaliation.

We condemn racial violence and systemic injustice against Black people. We stand for anti-racist policies, equity, and justice within our College and across Northeastern University. We denounce the insidious disrespect of women that furthers gender inequity in science. We will work towards the following strategies in support of these principles:

  1. Cultivate a Culture of Respect and Collaboration
  2. Build a College that is Representative of Society
  3. Foster a Connected Community

In June 2022, we submitted a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan to the Northeastern Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We have identified specific milestones to support our objectives and strategies, and we will review them quarterly. We emphasize that this is a dynamic and evolutionary process, and we invite your input and participation. We cannot rely on those individuals most impacted to fix the problem.

Equity and Respect Action Plan

Dean Hazel Sive entered the College of Science, June 2020. She has made equity, respect, and diversity key priorities. A new COS framework has been developed where a culture of respect and a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion imbue all aspects of our College. An extensive set of actions and activities are in progress, with funding and support as needed.

Objective Milestone Timeline
Disrupt academic bullying Distribute self reflection tool
Host speakers on bullying
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
Ensure diversity in departmental seminars Reminder to seminar organizers to track demographics of seminar speakers
Collect demographic information from seminar organizers
Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Increase awareness of discrimination and harassment policies and reporting mechanisms Repeat COS Climate Survey
Encourage departments to host Title IX seminars
Q4 2022
Q4 2022
Infuse a Culture of Collaboration across the college Develop procedures and guidelines for faculty-staff interactions to promote respect Q2 2023
Organize regular discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusion Present NU climate survey results
Host DEI discussions
Q4 2022
Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Objective Milestone Timeline
Enhance representation in departmental faculty and staff leadership positions Work with UDS to gather data on demographics of faculty and staff leadership positions Q1 2023
Enhance the number and diversity of staff applicants Begin tracking staff applicant demographics
Develop revised staff hiring procedures to promote equity
Begin offering training for hiring managers
Q4 2022
Q4 2022
Q2 2023
Increase the representation of faculty from marginalized groups INVEST ad posted (Aug)
INVEST long list and short lists identified
INVEST interviews (Jan/Feb)
Review hiring practices (July)
Q3 2022
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
Q3 2023
Increase the representation of graduate students from marginalized groups BEACHES workshop (MES)
Lighted Pathways Internship Program
Begin tracking first generation graduate students
Q3 2022; Q2 2023
Q3 2023
Q3 2023
Increase the representation of undergraduate students from marginalized groups IDEA Internship Program (MES)
Start developing Bridge to Science
Bridge to Calculus
Track Foundation Year students that transition to COS
Q2 2022; Q2 2023
Q2 2022
Q3 2022; Q3 2023
Q1 2023
Reinvent the PhD Launch of Connected Science Community PhD
Applications due to CSC PhD Program
Implement full CSC PhD Summer Program
Q3 2022
Q4 2022
Q3 2023
Objective Milestone Timeline
Develop and support programming for all Heritage Months Continue monthly meetings with reps from other STEM colleges Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Enhance participation in equity-focused programming and events Begin tracking participation in equity focused events
Develop incentives for participation in equity-focused programming
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
Foster new ideas to advance DEI Develop application process for Equity Action Fund
Implement application process for Equity Action Fund
Q1 2023
Q3 2023
Promote effective mentoring Host mentor trainings
Develop mentoring effectiveness instrument
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
Promote the retention of faculty from marginalized groups Release results of faculty service survey
Develop and implement mentoring groups for new faculty
Encourage departments to adopt mentoring teams for new faculty
Monitor tenure, promotion, and retention data
Q3 2022
Q3 2022
Q1 2023
Q3 2023
Promote the retention of graduate students from marginalized groups Evaluate student support resources and mechanisms and ensure students are aware of them
Evaluate graduation rates and academic probation demographics
Develop mentoring programs / resources for MS students
Q1 2023
Q3 2023
Q3 2023
Promote the retention of staff from marginalized groups Begin tracking demographics of staff through time Q1 2023
Promote the retention of undergraduate students from marginalized groups Evaluate student support resources and mechanisms and ensure students are aware of them
Evaluate graduation rates and academic probation demographics
Q1 2023
Q3 2023
Provide opportunities for community service, community engagement, and networking Plan one event Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Value and reward efforts to advance DEI Monthly call for nominations for Connects awards
Call for nominations for annual awards
Develop annual staff award
Q4 2022; Q1 2023
Q2 2023
Q3 2023

Departmental Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives

The COS departments also have important activities and initiatives that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the College of Science. We highlight a number of these below and emphasize that this list is not comprehensive.


  • Biology Preview Day aims to increase diversity and representation in the graduate program.
  • NSF REU Program provides summer research experience for diverse undergraduate students from other institutions.
  • NSF STARS Fellowships funds recruitment and retention of students from marginalized groups.

Chemistry and Chemical Biology

  • Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering promotes the transition of community college students to STEM careers.
  • HHMI / NU-SCI Program (with Biology) provides faculty training and resources to enhance inclusive teaching and mentoring.
  • Book Club promotes discussions and resource sharing in support of anti-racism, equity, and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students.

Marine and Environmental Sciences

  • BEACHES workshop provides information and resources to first generation and marginalized students interested in graduate school.
  • MES Peer Mentoring Program supports both graduate and undergraduate students with communication, community-building, and training by their peers.
  • Anti-Racism Discussion Group promotes discussions and resource sharing in support of anti-racism, equity, and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students.


  • Bridge to Calculus partners with Boston Public Schools to prepare students from historically underrepresented communities for college success in STEM.
  • Association for Women in Mathematics organizes and supports women in math as a chapter of a national organization.
  • MaTHEma provides peer mentoring for undergraduates in Mathematics.


  • Women in Physics provides support and undergraduate research awards for women in physics.
  • Nanomedicine Academy of Minority Serving Institutions provides state-of-the-art knowledge to underserved minority populations through a collaborative model of graduate education.
  • Quarknet provides science teachers with tools and skills in physics to bring to their classrooms.


  • Training grants to enhance representation among undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Graduate seminar series focuses on speaker’s science and their experience with equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Psychologists for Inclusion and Equity meets monthly to advance anti-racism, equity, and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students.
girl in lab
Campus Feature
Three Seas Dive
Gregory Fiete meeting with students
Ajay Satpute and Psyche Loui