Planning Strategically – 10.21.22

Dear College of Science Faculty and Staff,

At its best, goal setting can be a mind-stretching, useful exercise - an opportunity to reflect, synthesize and think deeply about next steps. When the mind is free and playful, creative ways to do business, new ideas and important insights can result.

As you know, I’ve set goals for the College of Science that are specific enough to give us direction, and general enough to allow evolution:

  • Commit to a Culture of Respect and Action towards Equity
  • Communicate the Good Power of Science
  • Solve the Greatest Research Challenges
  • Promote Innovative and Global Education
  • Reinvent the PhD
  • Increase Undergraduate Research
  • Build an Entrepreneurship Landscape
  • Define Space and Work for the Future

We’ve made excellent progress in most categories and are poised to address others.

Extending these goals into a five-year strategic plan for the College is the next step, to articulate how COS will contribute to the future of Northeastern University. In view of the organization and publication of the new University Academic Plan, ‘Experience Unleashed’, we realized it would be expedient to defer writing a COS Strategic Plan until implementation of the Academic Plan was underway.  The time is now right to put together our COS Strategic Plan. Our plan will be framed to support the Academic Plan while addressing contributions of the College of Science to the future of academic science and the future of Northeastern University.

Our plan is tentatively titled


Strategic Plan: Northeastern University College of Science 2023-2028 

The plan will extend present goals and initiatives (eg INVEST, Connected Science Community PhD) within our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; and highest quality research, education and innovation. All Pillars of the Academic Plan will be supported, including connections and cross-disciplinarity in science research and experiential education, across Colleges, across the Network and globally. Every COS member - faculty, staff and student - is invited to contribute. Watch for announcement of an Intranet website with an Idea Bank for suggestions, and draft sections for your comments. Our timeframe will be snappy, with completion next semester. Thank you in advance for contributing to this important project.