Burst Forth – 5.10.2024

Dear College of Science Faculty and Staff,

When I was little, my favorite party favor was a small clam shell that when placed in a glass of water, opened up and out floated a bright paper flower on a thread, with a green paper leaf beneath. The flowers came in various colors, and you did not know which in advance. I think these were called ‘magic shells’, and seem no longer to be available, but here is a painting. This week reminded me of magic shells, as every tree and flower seemed released from its constraint and burst forth. The Red Buds outside Dana and pale pink Rhododendrons across the path are my favorites on campus. With so much turmoil across the planet, spring can only help.

Our College of Science Commencement burst forth with great success! Here is my commencement address. Thank you! to Linda Araypetov, Melissa Rubock and Caroline Leary for brilliantly leading the complex organization, and to Reyes Lopez for his contributions. We were honored with guest speaker Dr. Deborah Dunsire, and attendance of Provost David Madigan and Vice Provost Waleed Meleis. Thank you! to the platform party: Penny Beuning, David Budil, Win Chai, Adam Cooper, Erin Cram, Alessandra Di Credico, Kirsten Fertuck, Jon Grabowski, Randall Hughes, Carla Mattos, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Brent Nelson, Sumi Seo, Geoff Trussell, Mark Williams and Darien Wood. Thank you! to every other College member who so generously volunteered: Elena Akins, Diaa Alabed, Linda Ayrapetov, Kelsy Behrendt, Josh Belfiore, Elisabeth Boyce-Jacino, Cecile Braun-Jones, Jeremy Brick, Vincent Capone, McKenzie Collins, Corrine Condon, Cathy Cosgrove, Kathleen Currie, Jennifer Darvesh, Tricia DeYoung, Benjamin Dittbrenner, Jacqueline Donnelly, Ashley Francois, Stephanie Frazitta, Colby Geer, Christine Ghani, Mark Giannini, Eric Goble, Jason Haas, Vanecia Harrison, Sha'Day Hart, Jocelyn Haversat, Molly Herbert, Erica Homan, Nicki Hosey, Bridget Joyce, Swastik Kar, Kasey Kidder, Caroline Leary, Erica Lowder, Emma McDonald, Lindsay Mehrmanesh, Fabiola Meyer Garza, Anna Murdock, Misty Nelson, Emma Newcombe, MaryJo Ondrechan, Shauna Orandi, Alexis Orozco, Ana Otero, Barbara Pierre, Valerie Pinchinat, MarySusan Potts-Santone, Avani Prakash, Courtney Reed, Rachelle Reisberg, Nathan Richardson, Danielle Robert-Massey, Suzanne Ronkin, Melissa Rubock, Alex Salducco, Steve Savitsky, Caroline Seely, Bri Sirota, Julian Sosnik. Suzzette Turnball, Nicole Viquez, He Wang, Edward Witten, Max Wolf, Nikki Ziner

At COS events, student speakers Bishwarup Sarkar (MS Biotech) and Sacha Sergent (Behavioral Neuroscience) were outstanding. And at the Northeastern Fenway celebrations, I was enormously proud that student speakers for both the undergraduate ceremony: Rebecca Bamidele (Biology and Political Science) and graduate ceremony: Megan Carter (Biology) are College of Science graduates, as was National Anthem singer Olivia Neville (Behavioral Neuroscience). Congratulations!

Truly, this was a week where commencement celebrations burst forth, to honor our graduates and their families. Congratulations all around!

At the start of Summer 1, warm wishes to everyone.