Connected Science Community Chemistry PhD Program

A new kind of PhD training

Conduct groundbreaking Chemistry research and develop skills that open a vast set of future careers with the support of a cross-College PhD Community!

The Connected Science Community Chemistry PhD Program is designed for students who have earned a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in chemistry or related areas and who wish to earn a doctorate in chemistry.

Our research programs draw from a strong foundation in analytical, organic, physical, and biological chemistry in a collaborative and diverse environment. Research spans a wide range of multidisciplinary fields, with strengths in clean energy, polymers, materials, medicinal chemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, and chemical biology.

You will be joining a graduate program that is committed to cultivating a culture of respect and collaboration where the contribution of each person is valued.

Three students working in the lab

Participate in groundbreaking chemistry research

Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Ondrechen Research Group
Prof. Ondrechen’s research group spans the areas of theoretical and computational chemistry, computational biology, bioinformatics, protein design, and drug discovery. Areas of interest include functional genomics – predicting the biochemical functional roles of gene products (proteins), protei..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Lee-Parsons Laboratory
This research group is applying metabolic engineering principles and methodologies to improve the production of important compounds, i.e. critical plant-derived pharmaceuticals or biofuels, from plant cell & tissue cultures and microalgae cultures.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
O'Doherty Group
This research group has been working in two related areas of organic synthesis: carbohydrate synthesis and natural product synthesis.  The unifying theme that connects the research in these two areas is the method of synthesis (asymmetric catalysis) and target selection (anti-cancer, anti-viral an..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Neglected Disease Drug Discovery
This research program focuses on those areas of research that will impact on treatment of human disease and on areas that will expedite the drug discovery process.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Beuning Lab
The Beuning laboratory at Northeastern is focused on understanding the structure-function-dynamics relationships of proteins and enzymes, with a particular focus on proteins involved in DNA metabolism and DNA damage tolerance.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Biomaterials Design Group
The Biomaterials Design Group at Northeastern University works at the interface of bio-analytical chemistry, materials science, and design. We investigate fundamental mechanisms behind systems in biology and use our understanding to better inform the design new classes of protein-based biomaterials..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Engen Lab
The Engen Lab uses hydrogen exchange and mass spectrometry (HX MS) as our core technology to probe protein conformation, conformational changes, dynamics, protein folding and the effects of binding.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Zhang Group
The Zhang group develops macromolecular systems to provide answers to important questions in biology and medicine.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
SunnyLand applies protein chemistry, analysis and engineering to biology and medicine.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Manetsch Lab
The Manetsch laboratory addresses various aspects of medicinal chemistry related to optimization of anti-malarial, anti-leishmanial, and anti-bacterial agents., as well as developing and applying LC/MS-based approaches facilitating synthetic and medicinal chemistry.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
The Lopez Research Group: Computational Photochemistry
The Lopez group uses quantum mechanical and machine learning techniques to identify next-generation organic materials for applications in renewable energy and photomedicine.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Research Alliance in Science and Engineering (RAISE)
Through integrative education and collaboration between undergraduate chemistry students and faculty mentors, RAISE continues the teaching curriculum beyond the classroom and into the real world.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Budil Lab
Prof. Budil’s group is interested in the physical behavior of macromolecules, including both synthetic polymers and biopolymers such as large proteins. Their principal investigative tool is electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, including very high-frequency ESR.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Makowski Lab
Image and signal processing as applied to biophysical data designed to answer fundamental questions about the molecular basis of living systems
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Stubbins Lab
Aron Stubbin's research fouses on environmental chemistry, geochemistry, the carbon cycle, freshwater, coastal and ocean biogeochemistry, feedbacks between natural biogeochemical cycles and climate change, permafrost, black carbon, and aquatic microplastics
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Hanson Research Group
Professor Hanson’s research group focuses on the application of synthetic organic chemistry to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents for neoplastic diseases.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Oyinda Oyelaran's Lab
Oyinda Oyelaran is the co-PI of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department's NSF-REU site program.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Mattos Lab
Research in the Mattos Lab focuses on understanding the rules that govern the recognition, assembly and function of macromolecular complexes.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Kirss's Lab
Kirss's lab's research interests are in synthetic and mechanistic chemistry of iron and ruthenium. Projects are underway in synthesis of new ferrocene derivatives with potential biological activity and kinetics of phosphine substitution in catalytically active ruthenium compounds.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Booth Lab
The Booth lab undertakes drug developing starting with a GPCR structure-based ligand design approach using molecular modeling experiments, followed by synthesis of target ligands and in vitro molecular pharmacology assays to delineate their a nity and function.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Smotkin Lab
The central theme of Prof. Smotkin’s group is the discovery of better materials for clean energy sources and processes through electrolytes and electrocatalytic materials.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Institute for Chemical Imaging of Living Systems
The Institute develops imaging tools to highlight chemical processes - enabling clinicians to better diagnose and treat disease.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis
The Institute was established in 1973 as a center for advanced interdisciplinary research in the chemical analysis sciences at Northeastern University, in the educational hub of Boston, Massachusetts. Today, with over 50 scientists and an $8 million endowment, the Institute is recognized internatio..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR)
The Center’s objective is simple: think networks. Research focuses on how networks emerge/evolve, how they look, and how they impact our understanding of complex systems. CCNR’s research has developed to unexpected areas, including the topology of the World Wide Web; complex networks inside th..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Center for Drug Discovery
The Center for Drug Discovery is dedicated to the discovery of novel medications and the development of approaches and technologies aimed at improving the discovery of new therapeutic drugs. Faculty include: Raymond Booth, Sergiy Tyukhtenko and Jeff Agar
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Northeastern University Center for Renewable Energy Technology
Northeastern University Center for Renewable Energy Technology focuses on carbon-free technologies which are sustainable from materials and techno-economic point of view.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Center for STEM Education
This university-wide center aspires to play a key role in shaping and implementing the K-20 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education strategy at Northeastern University, and to impact STEM teaching and learning at all levels, both locally and nationally.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Joshi Lab
The group generally works at the intersection of biomaterials science and synthetic biology. A major focus of the group’s research is on Engineered Living Materials, especially in genetically programming microbial cells to secrete and direct the assembly of biopolymeric matrices.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Dong Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Lab
The Dong Lab develops and applies physics-based and data-driven computational methods to understand multiscale processes, from electronic structures to emergent properties. We use such understandings to develop design strategies for molecules, materials, and processes that matter in renewable energ..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Sayre Photocatalysis Research Group
Photocatalysis captures the energy of light to power chemical transformations. The Sayre Photocatalysis Research Group designs low-energy photocatalysts and investigates the mechanisms of light-activated chemistry. Applications of photocatalysis include solar fuels, pharmaceutical synthesis, plant-..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
DMAS Research Group
We are interested in finding alternative techniques to manufacture materials in a more sustainable fashion. We work at the interface of polymer chemistry and materials science, developing cutting-edge technologies based on macromolecules.
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Sherbo Lab
The Sherbo Lab is focused on converting abundant and waste gases like CO2 and N2 into foods, fertilizers and fuels. The lab uses two main strategies to accomplish this goal. The first is electrocatalysis, a method of performing chemical reactions like gas reduction using clean electricity. The seco..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Weng Laboratory
Our lab explores the origin and evolution of plant specialized metabolism at the enzyme, pathway, and systems levels. We have a broad interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms and functional implications underlying chemical interactions between plants and other organisms, including humans...
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Northeastern University Mass Spectrometry Facility
The Mass Spectrometry Facility is a 2,200 sq. ft laboratory space that houses state-of-the-art liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation. The lab is operated as a “fee-for-service” resource for Northeastern University and external research investigators. The Facility provides ..
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Altin-Yavuzarslan Engineered Living Systems Lab
The Altin-Yavuzarslan Engineered Living Systems Lab focuses on advanced biomanufacturing and material research. The lab designs engineered living materials (ELM) and 3D prints them to create functional form factors. We develop biocompatible polymers for ELM formulations and innovative encapsulation..

A Culture of Respect

In the Northeastern University College of Science, we embrace a culture of respect and inclusion, where each person is valued and empowered with equitable opportunities and access to resources. We commit to implementing initiatives that dismantle systemic oppression and build a diverse community.

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How the Connected Science Community Chemistry PhD program works

Upon joining the Chemistry PhD program, you will also join a Connected Science Community of PhD students across the College of Science. During the summer before your first year, you will have the option to participate in workshops to develop key skills, explore and utilize university resources, and learn about potential post-PhD careers.

During Fall semester of your first year, you will begin coursework and continue research in your department. Throughout your first year and beyond, you will continue your research while sustaining your Connected Science Community through seminars, workshops, and social activities.

In this unique PhD training program, you’ll:

– join a Community of PhD students across all College of Science departments, who learn from each other, collaborate, and draw on one other’s experience;

– develop Career and Core Skills and inside knowledge of the outstanding career opportunities open to our PhD graduates;

– explore Cross-Disciplinary Research to help you solve pressing research challenges; and

– gain external Work Experience – an integral part of your professional training, with many opportunities.

Additional information

Is the program funded?

For the duration of their program, students receive full tuition scholarship, a graduate assistant position with stipend, and health insurance.

When is the application deadline?

The deadline to apply is December 1.

What are the program requirements?

Bachelor’s Degree Entrance
Complete all courses and requirements listed here unless otherwise indicated.


  • Qualifying examination
  • Annual review
  • Dissertation committee
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Colloquia (minimum of three)
  • First-author publication
  • Dissertation defense

Program Credit/GPA Requirements

  • 30 total semester hours required
  • Minimum 3.000 GPA required

Want to learn more about the Connected Science Community Chemistry PhD program? Fill out the form below and a team member will be in touch.

Your career starts here. Apply today.