Alexander Martsinkovsky

Alexander Martsinkovsky

Associate Professor


  • Functorial And Homological Methods In Representation Theory, Homological Algebra

About Alexander Martsinkovsky

Number theory, Noncommutative Geometry, Differential Equations, Abstract Homotopy Theory, Integrable Systems, Special Functions, Deformation Theory, Singularity Theory, and Local Algebra


Mailing Address:

567 LA (Lake Hall), Boston, MA 02115
Institutes, Labs & Research Centers

Modern algebra has its roots in the mathematics of the ancient world, arising out of the basic problem of solving equations. Following an explosive development in the twentieth century, it is now a vibrant, multi-faceted and wide-ranging branch of mathematics, having ties with almost every field of mathematics and computer science. The interests of the algebra group at Northeastern include algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, representation theory, homological algebra, and quantum groups, with connections to combinatorics, singularities, Lie groups, topology, and physics.

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