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Underreporting of Zika is rife; researchers project epidemic’s spread

With the report from Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Monday that 14 people in the state have been infected with the Zika virus most likely through mos­quito trans­mis­sion the con­cern about out­breaks in the U.S. has intensified.

The news comes on the heels of new research by North­eastern pro­fessor Alessandro Vespig­nani that can help coun­tries in the Amer­icas plan a response.

The new study, along with inter­ac­tive maps, pro­vides cur­rent num­bers as well pro­jec­tions for the number of Zika cases in the Amer­icas through Jan­uary 2017. It also pro­vides pro­jec­tions for the number of micro­cephaly cases asso­ci­ated with the dis­ease through October 2017, a date chosen to allow for the nine months of preg­nancy. Micro­cephaly is a serious neu­ro­log­ical birth defect char­ac­ter­ized by a smaller than normal head.

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