Biology chair creates treatment, world’s first baby born with assist from stem cells
Jonathan Tilly's infertility research has led to the birth of a baby born with an assist from stem cells. Tilly is the chair of the Department of Biology.
May 07, 2015
Biology chair creates treatment, world's first baby born with assist from stem cells
Jonathan Tilly's infertility research has led to the birth of a baby born with an assist from stem cells. Tilly is the chair of the Department of Biology.
May 07, 2015
Biological honor society comes to Northeastern: Tri Beta
"On December 2, 2014, national representatives of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society were on campus to install the Chi Delta Epsilon Chapter and induct 85 undergraduate students." –COS News
December 17, 2014
Undergraduate Poster Sessions for Inquiries Courses
The undergraduate students in these courses have worked all semester to develop and present a poster on a primary research article of his/her selection. Many of these posters present research published by members of our Biology faculty!
November 12, 2014
Three Northeastern Students Named Goldwater Scholars
“Three Northeastern University students—Theo Bowe, S’16 [Biology Major], Tushar Swamy, E’15, and Greg Allan, E’16—have been selected to receive the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.” –News@Northeastern article by Greg St. Martin
April 10, 2014
The Wonder of Human Movement
“Northeastern professor Dagmar Sternad received the 50th annual Robert D. Klein University Lecturer Award on Tuesday and discussed her interdisciplinary research on how the brain controls the human body.” –News@Northeastern article by Angela Herring
April 09, 2014
Animals, advertising, and entrepreneurship—it’s co- op on camera
Alexander Rickert, a biology major, won first place in the 2014 Coolest Co-op Video contest! “Rickert . . . travelled all the way to Hawaii for his co- op at Sea Life Park on the island of Oahu. He worked as an animal training intern at the educational and entertainment facility, learning how to communicate […]
February 26, 2014
Students Find Life Calling Through Co- op
“The [Co-op Expo] event welcomed nearly 300 students, faculty, and staff. One of the attendees, freshman biology major Jenifer Obrigewitch, COS’18, noted that setting up your first co- op can be a rather daunting task. Luckily, she said, the expo helped her figure out how to connect with employers and ‘how easy it is to […]
February 19, 2014
Northeastern Ranked America’s Greenest University
“Northeastern University’s long- standing commitment to sustainability has once again garnered global acclaim: In rankings released earlier this month, Northeastern placed third among 301 schools from 61 countries in the University of Indonesia’s fourth annual GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities. Northeastern placed first among all American universities in the rankings.” –News@Northeastern Article by Jason Kornwitz
January 28, 2014
Nobel Laureate to Join Northeastern Faculty
“Sir Richard Roberts, a Nobel laureate and globally recognized leader in genomics and molecular biology, has joined Northeastern University as a Distinguished University Professor in the College of Science.”–News@Northeastern article by Angela Herring
January 23, 2014
Germline Stem Cells in Adult Mammalian Ovaries
Congratulations to Dr. Dori Woods and Prof. Jon Tilly on having a paper included in the recent Science Magazine special publication: Ten Critical Topics in Reproductive Medicine.
January 21, 2014
A serine sensor for multicellularity in a bacterium
Abstract of paper co-authored by Prof. Yunrong Chai published in eLife Lens; DOI:
December 17, 2013
A new era for human fertility research
In 2012, Jonathan Tilly's team published research in which it identified that certain cells in adult human ovaries produce viable new eggs.
September 20, 2013
Jonathan Tilly named Chair of Department of Biology
Jonathan Tilly comes to Northeastern University from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
July 17, 2013