Julie Ebert

Congratulations to Julia Ebert

Congratulations to Julia Ebert on winning a Marshall Scholarship to pursue research in bioengineering at Imperial College London. Julia participated in PRISM, an interdisciplinary program that promoted interest in STEM subjects, first as a Freshman participant and then as a mentor in her Sophomore year. PRISM was designed to encourage first- and second-year students students to discover the fun and excitement of doing science. Through PRISM, Julia was introduced to Professor Dagmar Sternad’s Action lab where she conducted research on human motor control. This research with Professor Sternad led to a Goldwater Scholarship in 2013 and a 6 month research co-op at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, in Tubingen Germany.

For more on Julia and the Marshall Scholarhip, see the News@Northeastern article.
