Missy McElligott

Missy McElligott

Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies for Biology


  • Curriculum Design, Neural Networks In The Brainstem Mediate Locomotion In Vertebrates, Pedagogical Techniques

About Missy McElligott

My roles as a Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Biology are guided by three principles: evidence-based teaching, a holistic approach to education, and a commitment to an inclusivity. My instruction is evidence-based, using backward design to align course objectives with activities and assessments. I implement a variety of active learning, reflection, and team-based learning strategies to facilitate deeper learning and I incorporate Service-Learning in a freshman course to develop key professional skills in my students. My holistic approach to teaching focuses not only on content specific objectives, but also teaching students ‘how to learn’ and ‘how to study’ for future academic success. Both as the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Biology and as a Teaching Professor, I am committed to inclusive instruction. With the Biology Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, I design, improve, and assess our undergraduate programs to ensure that ALL students feel a part of our community and are exceedingly well-prepared to address the emerging challenges in medicine, biotechnology, and life science research upon their graduation.


Mailing Address:

206 MU (Mugar Life Sciences Building), Boston, MA 02111

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